Kentucky Manufacturing Extension Partnership Helps Manufacturers Succeed in the Commonwealth
The Kentucky Manufacturing Extension Partnership (KY-MEP) is part of the National MEP NetworkTM, a unique public/private partnership through the Department of Commerce that delivers comprehensive, proven solutions to U.S. manufacturers. Previously known as Advantage Kentucky Alliance (AKA), KY-MEP transitioned to a new name when the center moved to the University of Louisville in early 2023. KY-MEP is focused on helping manufacturers throughout the Commonwealth generate business results and thrive in today’s technology-driven economy by providing access to resources, training and consultative services. Their team of experienced industry leaders works directly with clients to identify areas of improvement, streamline processes, increase competitiveness and create new revenue streams. In addition, KY-MEP leverages resources and research capabilities at the University of Louisville to connect businesses with the services needed to expand, scale and thrive. With proven operational excellence and a portfolio of solutions, programs and partnerships, KY-MEP helps manufacturers improve productivity, profits and their bottom line. Through on-site training, coaching, hands-on implementation and continuing support, these experienced industry specialists deliver expertise in market-driven programs that create high-value sustainable business practices and measurable results in three areas:
Leadership & Culture
Operations & Efficiency
Growth & Innovation
The Leadership & Culture platform focuses on helping leaders lead people to manage processes. A range of customized programs provide practical skills to effectively manage workplace challenges and drive successful change initiatives, along with strategies to develop an internal pipeline while supporting recruitment and retention initiatives. Services in this area include:
Workforce Culture Assessments & Coaching
Onboarding/Operator Series
Administrative Series Performance
Leadership Level I, II & III
Maxwell DISC
Executive Coaching
The Operations & Efficiency platform helps companies eliminate waste throughout their operations. Utilizing proven Lean tools to systematically raise your team’s skill level while simultaneously driving change, KY-MEP offers a range of services to provide tangible change to your business performance and operations. These services include:
Lean 101, 5S, KATA
Quality Management System & Quality Certifications
OSHA-Based Safety Training
Thermal Imagery
Advanced Manufacturing Industry 4.0
Industrial Maintenance
Six Sigma, Problem Solving
Automation, Robotics, 3D Printing
Finally, the Growth & Innovation platform helps companies profitably leverage technology to identify, vet and commercialize ideas and products for new revenue streams. An advisor assists in creating and implementing strategies that will sustain profitable growth and improve the overall performance of your business. Services in this area include:
Research & Market Intelligence
Website, Marketing & Branding
ExporTechTM (provides support and resources to guide firms in creating an export growth plan and developing and implementing a go-to-market strategy)
Capital Formation
Strategy & Business Coaching
Growth Management System Sales Training
Supplier Sourcing
Cybersecurity (provides tools necessary to combat unwelcomed activities and safeguard business assets)
KY-MEP tracks the results of recommended actions and is committed to demonstrable, measurable impacts. Over the past five years, the program’s results speak for themselves, with $60.5 million in total cost savings, $156.3 million in total new investment, $312.8 million in total sales and $529.6 million in total impact. For more information about KY-MEP, their public workshops, programs and additional resources, visit their website at https://louisville.edu/kymep. You can also contact their team by email at kymep@louisville.edu or by phone at (502) 852-9621. They would love to hear from you!